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I have participated in the first-ever Orbis Virtual Moonwalkers in December 2020.<br /> <br /> All donation raised in this fundraising event will be used to support to the sight-restoring mission in developing countries. Please support me to run further and faster, turning mileages into donations and giving support to the Flying Eye Hospital!
我參加左喺2020年12月第一次以virtual walk形式舉行嘅奧比斯百鬼盲俠行!<br /> <br /> 呢項活動既所有善款都會用喺發展中國家既救盲工作 , 我誠邀您支持我跑多D, 跑快D , 將里數轉化為善款 , 以腳步為奧比斯眼科飛機醫院打氣!