All the King’s Men Sing to Success

FringeBacker  Thursday, 1 November 2012

It's a big day for UK a capella champions All the King’s Men on FringeBacker. Not only were they chosen as the inaugural fundraising project on FringeBacker, it has exceeded its fundraising target! What an incredible feat for the Men who seem to reign their magic on everything they’ve touched. Needless to say, quality music transcends all boundaries that come in the way of the Men.


Loyal Fan Base

So what has attracted fans all over to support All the King’s Men in their relentless pursuit to perform and to give everything their very best King's foot forward? One thing for sure, each and every member of All the King’s Men has worked very hard through the past year in building their loyal fan base -- from winning Voice Festival UK, then taking home Third Prize at the International Championships of Collegiate A Cappella in New York, followed by sell-out shows at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. And then, finally, taking Hong Kong audiences by storm. And through their tireless efforts in giving these spectacular performances, they have been totally professional and exude humility, while giving quality music, touching the hearts of everyone in the audience. Echoing one of their backers’ comment on their Hong Kong Fringe Club finale: “Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely fantastic performance.”


Keeping their Fans Informed

After every performance, the Men have not kept their fans hanging. Through optimal use of social media networks, they have worked hard on keeping all their fans well-informed of their latest activities on their website, on Facebook, on their blog and through Twitter -- and all in real-time. This has added to their success on FringeBacker -- fans all over got to know about their latest performances (and escapades), and came online to support them.


Success on FringeBacker

With their project fully funded, All the King’s Men have covered all of the expenses that made their Asia Tour 2012 a reality. They now to continue to pursue their music passion throughout the coming year, touring the world to give quality entertainment and spreading their fusion of fantastic musicianship. They will be producing their very first Asia Tour DVD, capturing memorable moments of this fantastic experience.


Their success has seen a significantly positive impact on other musicians who are looking to crowdfund their project online on FringeBacker. Barriers are breaking down every day in this new digital economy, and this is what it's all about for musicians -- to be able to get to their real fans and share with them their passion for music. FringeBacker is here to provide an opportunity for everyone to try out and make some sense of the changes we are seeing in the music industry right now.


As All the King’s Men continue with their performances ahead, we look forward to more successes for our other FringeBacker projects.