Charitable Crowdfunding Success on FringeBacker: "Tofu & Violence” Promoting Nonviolence

FringeBacker  Saturday, 16 November 2013

Congratulations to "TOFU & VIOLENCE", the art campaign promoting charitable cause by FringeBacker-funded artist Claire Lee who raised over $27,100 (142% overfunded). The funding allows Lee to launch her exhibition with large scale paintings & photography, and to publish a charity art book. All net proceeds of the book will be donated to Rain Lily, a violence prevention organization to support its service for survivors of sexual violence.

In this project, Claire gave a brick of tofu to a group of participants of different backgrounds, asked them to use their bare hands or any body parts to hold and exist with it, in order to reveal the most basic instinct in us all – to protect, to destroy or to manipulate. Her campaign has helped turned the spotlight on different kinds of violence, including women’s rights and gender equity. Lee aims to play a part in helping to transform the way that people treat victims of abuse, and give the victims the courage and the voice to stand up for themselves. Through this amazing interaction of social cause, public participation and art, Lee reaches out to the Hong Kong community and encourages the public to support her cause in spreading the message of nonviolence, and especially helping abused women to restore their life with confidence and dignity.

“Tofu & Violence” Exhibition and Book Launch

Backers are excited to see photographs of themselves handling tofu and evoking deep emotions.