We couldn't have been more excited about our presentation earlier today to 140 innovative entrepreneurs at The Chinese University of Hong Kong's Entrepreneurial Mentoring Program about how to use FringeBacker's crowdfunding platform.  Thanks so much to CUEMP for having invited FringeBacker to offer crowdfunding services to 110 mentees from 36 entrepreneurial teams!  And nothing was warmer than the welcome we got from the Program's director Mingles Tsoi, as well as from the mentees and 30 mentors.  So many mentors and mentees came up to us after the presentation to tell us how they have great projects that they'd love to submit to FringeBacker for consideration, and how they've waited so long for this kind of crowdfunding platform to be available in Hong Kong for a bilingual audience in English and Chinese -- we're thrilled too, and we'll update you as their projects come online in due course.

FringeBacker's partnership with CUEMP offers the 36 entrepreneurial teams of 110 mentees the opportunity to showcase their business projects on FringeBacker for crowdfunding and to bring their plans to reality.

This year CUEMP has invited 30 of CUEMP's illustrious alumni and successful entrepreneurs to be mentors for this programme, aimed at providing entrepreneurial guidance to 36 selected teams (110 people) of mentees who have projects either at a conceptual stage, with a full business plan, or with an established business. Each team of mentees will be assigned to a suitable mentor for in-depth guidance and advice, so as to take their project into the next level.

FringeBacker is delighted to have been invited to offer crowdfunding services for the CUEMP, providing an online funding platform for mentees to reach out and directly get support for their businesses from their audience. This will be an innovative opportunity for the mentees to gauge real-time market acceptance of their business plans, to increase market awareness for themselves, and to raise funds to make their project happen.

FringeBacker will host an exclusive section on CUEMP and its mentees' fundraising projects, where mentees' projects will be consolidated and featured together.  We'll update you later as these projects come online for fundraising.


FringeBacker and Hong Kong Design Centre – Design Incubation Programme, together with the support of Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks, are excited to bring crowdfunding to designers, and creative and innovative companies.

On November 23, Friday afternoon, we will be talking to this group of talented designers about:

Ÿ      How you can use crowdfunding for your business to raise funds from the public through pre-selling

Ÿ      How crowdfunding gives you instant and direct market feedback on your design

Ÿ      Suceessful crowdfunding case studies in product design

Ÿ      How you can use FringeBacker to start crowdfunding

Seats for this event are strictly limited, by invitation only, to HKDC and HKSTP tenants and incubatees.  Please RSVP to [email protected].

There will be a networking session right after the talk, with drinks and light snacks. We look forward to meeting you and hearing all about your projects in the making!



對於英國無伴奏合唱組合冠軍All the King's Men來說,今天是他們在FringeBacker上的一個重要日子。因爲他們不但被FringeBacker選為首個募集資金的項目,更已經成功籌集超過了其目標金額!他們一切所觸及的事情都像被施以魔法般,實在是令人難以置信。當然,他們的音樂質素已超越了所有男聲的境界。



到底是什麼吸引著歌迷對於All the King's Men努力不懈追求的支持及願意付出一切以令他們繼續向前?肯定的是,All the King's Men的每一位成員在過去的一年都很努力地建立忠實的歌迷群 - 從他們於「The Voice Festival UK 2012」勇奪冠軍,再於紐約「International Championships of Collegiate A Cappella」奪得第三名,接著是參加愛丁堡國際藝穗節。然而最終風靡香港。他們努力不懈地作出令人注目的表演,提供高質素音樂的同時觸動了每一位觀眾的心靈,完全表現出他們專業和謙遜。回想起其中一位歌迷在香港藝穗會壓軸的演出時的評論:「這是絕對,絕對,絕對精彩絕倫的表演。」






隨著他們成功籌集資金,All the King's Men不但可抵銷他們進行「亞洲巡迴表演2012」的開支,還會繼續追求自己對音樂的熱誠,向世界提供高質素的娛樂,散播他們美妙的音樂才華。他們即將製作是次亞洲巡迴表演的DVD以紀錄這次難忘的體驗。




當All the King's Men繼續他們的表演的同時,我們期待有更多成功項目在FringeBacker出現。