與ONE GOAL展開首個地區性群眾集資項目 - 讓每一位孩子擁有足夠的營養
FringeBacker很高興宣佈與世界宣明會和亞洲足球聯合總會(AFC)合辦的 One Goal Campaign成為策略合作夥伴,以獨家群眾集資平台為其計劃集資,ONE GOAL計劃希望借助亞洲對足球的激情及熱愛,以作尋求解決營養不良的方法,同時遏止營養不良對亞洲及亞洲足球的影響。
Group picture of all the One Goal Partners and Ambassador Deborah Henry
From L-R : Eric Drosin (Communications Director, Royal DSM), Emma Highwood [Head of Community Football, Football Federation of Australia (FFA)], Regina Moench-Pfanner (Dr.) [Director of Singapore Office Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)], Gerald Ng (Regional Finance Director, DSM Nutritional Products Asia Pacific), Deborah Henry (Onegoal.asia Ambassador), Liew Tong Ngan (CEO, World Vision Malaysia), Maryann Hwee (Executive Director, Fringebacker), Stuart Rmalingam[Director of Marketing & Social Responsibility, Asian Football Confederation (AFC)], Stefan Germann (Dr.) (Executive Director, onegoal.asia), and Urs Zanitti [CEO, Asian Football Development Project (AFDP)].
Signing Ceremony between AFC and WVI
From L –R (sitting) : One Goal Co-Chairmans - HRH Prince Ali Bin Al Hussein (Vice President, FIFA – ASIA) & Trihadi Saptoadi (Regional Leader-South Asia & Pacific Region, World Vision International)
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