Frank Kan 和 Syreeta Sik 最近在明報刊登了一篇關於FringeBacker, 名為 ‘一齊畀錢撐創作網上平台助圓夢’ 的專題訪問。他們是極具創造性的記者,是很多明報專題故事背後的啟發者, 我們與他們有一個十分愉快的分享時間。請慢慢欣賞這報導吧:


FringeBacker 將會在 27/2 獨家與數碼港的企業家分享關於群眾集資的種種。

這是一個絕對不能錯過的機會,你可以認識如何利用一個最熱門的在線方法 - 群眾集資,去籌集資金。快來加入我們吧!


FringeBacker非常高興在上週末被我們的友好伙伴 - 聯合國教科文組織 - 邀請到一個由超過5000名年輕人參與的和平大使慶典。這次活動是自去年十二月的開幕式後,FringeBacker再度參與聯合國教科文組織舉辦的盛大宴會。

這次的活動是由香港聯合國教科文組織協會會長劉秀成SBS太平紳士和香港聯合國教科文組織董事梁信慕教授共同籌辦。梁教授強調,慶祝的不只是“一天的和平”,而是:“今天是一個繼續走向和平的道路的重要一步。無論你的生活如何,你也應該努力做出決定並採取行動,將所有事情歸於‘和平’”。 在充滿了年輕人活力的和創意的一天後,例如令人印象深刻的裝置藝術展覽,充滿精神文化的表演,充滿創意和節日和平的街頭藝術狂歡節,其中最吸引FringeBacker的是沖調“港式奶茶”示範。你應該不知道,香港的“茶餐廳”已被確認為聯合國教科文組織的“人類非物質文化遺產”!







南華早報記者Christy Choi的報導中提到FringeBacker把群眾集資帶給香港的創業及創意人士。而在香港土生土長的馬術金牌運動員賴楨敏Jacqueline Lai,更是首位透過集資,讓群眾可以與她一起追逐來屆亞運會金牌目標的馬術運動員。


The super guys at PC Market Magazine covered FringeBacker in a 4-page exclusive "how to" feature this week. Oh, and, by the way, great pictures of FringeBacker-funded upcycling designer Agnes Nong at her leather workshop!


FringeBacker kicks off the New Year by speaking at United Nations' UNESCO Observatory RLCCE's Focus Issues Seminar Series on Cultural Development & Sustainability

Hong Kong has embarked on an ambitious arts and cultural development process through the West Kowloon Development Project, but the development of a vibrant cultural environment and sustainability need to go hand in hand.  It should provoke an interactive and democratic process of searching and reflection about the present and the future, helping to clarify goals within a shared value system, and aiming to reach some kind of consensus.

Ÿ      How do we build a cultural environment that enriches the quality of human life?

Ÿ      How do we build the resilience and sustainability of the cultural sector in Hong Kong?

These are some of the key issues that will be addressed at this event to be held at the Hong Kong Institute of Education on 26 January 2013 at 2:30 p.m.  Please join us there, together with other pre-eminent speakers from cultural and academic sectors!

Admission is free but seats are limited, and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.  So, to reserve your seat, please contact UNESCO's Ms. Vivien Leung at 29486425 or by email at [email protected].


Handmade designer upcycling seems to be the latest designer trend. First, it was Hermes’ hugely successful travelling caravan exhibition in Hong Kong with over 2,000 one-of-a-kind pieces, made from discarded scraps of exotic leather and luxurious fabric from its atelier, snapped up within a month at astonishingly high prices. Now, Hong Kong’s very own talented upcycling designer of handmade goods, Agnes Nong, successfully achieves her financial support target through FringeBacker for her “Memories Factory”upcycling project. In fact, she has exceeded her financial target on FringeBacker, ....and with some to spare!

Next to come will be Agnes Nong's personal exhibition of her handmade upcycling designs. Watch out for news of this!

As a supporter of handmade designer upcycling, a process of using discarded materials and transforming them into unique, one-of-a-kind pieces, Agnes met with Pascal Mussard, the great-great-great granddaughter of Hermes founder, during Mussard's stay in Hong Kong to talk about what quality means for a designer.  Regardless of it being a hundred-year-old brand or a young designer, the critical factor for coming up with quality work is in the attention to detail.  A designer has to put in love and care, instilling value and quality when making or designing an item, and to ensure that the item is even more valuable 25 years later.

To this, Agnes’ “Memories Factory” has lived up to its values. Her project has now been successfully funded on FringeBacker through great support from the public. Agnes will be preserving memories in two ways -- first, she will design her own special items for her supporters; secondly, she will custom-upcycle and re-design old pieces from other supporters, breathing new life into each of them.

During her project campaign on FringeBacker, Agnes reached out to people in her circle of life, her family, friends, schoolmates and designer colleagues, getting them excited about her project and getting support from them. Agnes has become a hot topic for the press, with widespread media interviews from Tao magazine, Hong Kong Economic Times, Sudden Weekly, Weekend Weekly and U Magazine, to name a few, spiraling her supporters to even higher levels.  We're so delighted that crowdfunding on FringeBacker has given Agnes an all new opportunity to pre-sell her creative work in a way that otherwise was all too difficult for designers. She was able to connect with a vast online community and to showcase her work through FringeBacker.  Traditionally, the public got to meet Agnes only through designers’ marts or exhibitions, and they were no different from any other consumers. But Agnes’project on FringeBacker allowed supporters to participate in her creative process and be a part of it. This vicarious experience has excited the online crowd, giving them a unique experience to not just buy things online, but to be the first to do so for something that has yet to be made and then see it come to life.

Congrats to Agnes and her supporters! Watch this space for updates on her exhibition!









作為UNESCO本土文化及創意教育研究觀測所的network partner,FringeBacker堅守着 UNESCO的使命。從創立至今,我們成功把來自英國倫敦國王學院(Kings’College London)、全英國冠軍的無伴奏合唱組合All the King’s Men帶到香港。我們亦正籌備與中文大學的「中大創業學長計劃」合作,協助一眾參與計劃的年輕創業家。另外,香港設計中心的年青設計師,以及數碼港的IT開發人員都即將會在FringeBacker推出項目。還有一眾年輕電影製作人、香港金牌運動員、我們與愛馬仕創意總監Pascal Mussard的獨家對話......以及更多。





FringeBacker has always been a huge supporter of talented and creative minds, and we're seeing a great deal of interest in submissions to our online crowdfunding platform by musicians and other creative people who want to connect with others who share their vision and passion. And of course, FringeBacker didn't miss the chance to share our passion for music with so many indie artists and bands at Clockenflap over the past weekend. 

The hottest pick of the day – Primal Scream

Amateur musicians spotted!


Thousands of music-lovers, hipsters and even toddlers headed down to the West Kowloon waterfront promenade this past weekend to celebrate Hong Kong’s biggest indie music and arts festival – Clockenflap 2012. Although the sun didn’t show up and the temperature dipped to almost 15 degrees Celsius over the two days, the crowds kept warm by wrapping themselves up in the awesome waves of music, dancing and drinking.


Music is the focus of the day

Shall we dance?


Two days, seven stages, over 70 Hong Kong and international bands, artists and filmmakers, Clockenflap is the first ever indie music and arts festival of this scale in Hong Kong. The spectacular lineup included exciting performance by Primal Scream and Alt-J from the UK, De La Soul from USA, and, not to mention the astonishing performance by Hong Kong’s Jun Kung. What’s more, Clockenflap brought an early Christmas gift for all music-lovers, both the artists and festival-goers, for the opportunities provided for showcasing their efforts and support for indie music in Hong Kong.

But what lies ahead for these talented indie artists and bands after Clockenflap? In Hong Kong, as elsewhere, so much of the talent of indie artists and bands remains undiscovered.


Luke Sital-Singh (UK) at Timeout Stage

Let's sing out LOUD!

Are you ready for Jun Kung?

End of the day, get drunk and say HEY!


Well, FringeBacker now comes bearing an ‘alternative’ Christmas gift for indie musicians!  With our online platform, indie musicians, artists, filmmakers and many others can now bring their projects to life by connecting with their fans. In the US, music projects are the most successful ones among all crowdfunders, comprising 29% of the total number of successfully funded projects.

So, let's continue to hear from you!  Crowdfund your musical talent, and showcase your passion to your fans!

We couldn't have been more excited about our presentation earlier today to 140 innovative entrepreneurs at The Chinese University of Hong Kong's Entrepreneurial Mentoring Program about how to use FringeBacker's crowdfunding platform.  Thanks so much to CUEMP for having invited FringeBacker to offer crowdfunding services to 110 mentees from 36 entrepreneurial teams!  And nothing was warmer than the welcome we got from the Program's director Mingles Tsoi, as well as from the mentees and 30 mentors.  So many mentors and mentees came up to us after the presentation to tell us how they have great projects that they'd love to submit to FringeBacker for consideration, and how they've waited so long for this kind of crowdfunding platform to be available in Hong Kong for a bilingual audience in English and Chinese -- we're thrilled too, and we'll update you as their projects come online in due course.

FringeBacker's partnership with CUEMP offers the 36 entrepreneurial teams of 110 mentees the opportunity to showcase their business projects on FringeBacker for crowdfunding and to bring their plans to reality.

This year CUEMP has invited 30 of CUEMP's illustrious alumni and successful entrepreneurs to be mentors for this programme, aimed at providing entrepreneurial guidance to 36 selected teams (110 people) of mentees who have projects either at a conceptual stage, with a full business plan, or with an established business. Each team of mentees will be assigned to a suitable mentor for in-depth guidance and advice, so as to take their project into the next level.

FringeBacker is delighted to have been invited to offer crowdfunding services for the CUEMP, providing an online funding platform for mentees to reach out and directly get support for their businesses from their audience. This will be an innovative opportunity for the mentees to gauge real-time market acceptance of their business plans, to increase market awareness for themselves, and to raise funds to make their project happen.

FringeBacker will host an exclusive section on CUEMP and its mentees' fundraising projects, where mentees' projects will be consolidated and featured together.  We'll update you later as these projects come online for fundraising.