我將會在4月參加善寧會的「登山善行」活動,為善寧會籌募善款,資助有經濟困難的晚期病人及家人,仍能得以享用優質的善終服務。<br /> <br /> 我將會挑戰________(山路),個人目標是完成 ________________(公里) 步程,並總共籌得_____元善款 。我需要您捐款支持我的善舉。您的捐款可以幫助以下項目:<br /> 善寧會將能夠:<br /> - 為更多末期病者提供整全、全天侯的優質寧養及紓緩治療服務<br /> - 為更多末期病者的家人和照顧者提供照顧上的訓練,鼓勵他們親自照顧晚期病者<br /> - 讓更多有經濟需要的末期病者入住「賽馬會善寧之家」獨立病房,與摯親共度生命最寶貴的時刻<br /> - 為喪親者提供及時及適切的哀傷輔導和支援<br /> <br /> 請捐款支持我加這個有意義的活動!
I have joined the “Hike for Hospice Month” and will raise funds for the Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care (SPHC 善寧會) . I am on target to complete the ___(km) long hiking in _____(name of trails) in April 2021. I hope you will support my fundraising effort as I try to raise $________ to ensure more underprivileged terminal patients live their lives to the full and with dignity.<br /> <br /> Your donation will be fully used for the provision of services including below:<br /> -To provide holistic, round-the-clock palliative care services for more terminally-ill patients<br /> -To provide care training for the families and caregivers and encourage them to take care of their family members who have an incurable illness.<br /> - To enable more underprivileged patients to spend the most precious times with their loved ones at the home-like suites in the Jockey Club Home for Hospice<br /> -Provide timely and accessible grief counseling and support for the bereaved.<br /> <br /> Please join me in this meaningful event by making a donation now. Your donation counts!